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IPL Therapy in Boston, MA

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Revolutionary Treatment

Are common signs of aging such as dark spots or lacking skin tone causing you to feel discontent with your appearance? Our aesthetic experts now offer IPL Therapy in Boston. IPL Therapy is one of the most technologically advanced means of revitalizing the skin for a youthful radiance.

Dr. Joseph Russo is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Newton Centre, Massachusetts who has been practicing for over 25 years. He excels as an expert and educator in plastic surgery and cosmetic treatments. Contact our Boston MedSpa today to schedule your consultation appointment and learn if IPL Therapy may be right for you!

What is IPL Therapy?

IPL, or intense pulsed light therapy, uses flashes of high-intensity light energy to target specific skin concerns, including dark spots and uneven pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, atrophic acne scars, spider veins, and other common issues related to both the skin’s tone and texture. The handpieces on our advanced Limelight and Lumecca IPL platforms can be adjusted to address specific concerns at different levels within the skin. IPL therapy fades uneven coloration by targeting specific melanin cells, which are broken down and then either sloughed off or absorbed by the body. At the same time, heat causes collagen in the skin to constrict and tighten, reducing wrinkles and depressed scars and smoothing out the skin’s texture.

Limelight IPL

Limelight is an IPL platform from Cutera, a global leader developing some of the most advanced aesthetic technologies today. What sets Limelight IPL apart from other IPLs is its versatility and precision. Its highly customizable settings allow us to adjust the wavelengths of light that are applied to your skin to precisely reach different dermal layers and target specific tone and texture concerns, including hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and more. The broad spectrum of light wavelengths makes Limelight IPL suitable for a wide range of skin tones and issues. Limelight is also known for its relatively comfortable treatment experience, thanks to its built-in cooling system.

Lumecca IPL

Lumecca IPL is known for its strong wavelengths and cooling tip, enabling you to see results in fewer sessions compared to many other platforms while still enjoying a more comfortable treatment experience. Like Limelight, Lumecca provides excellent results for a variety of issues, evening out both the tone and texture of the skin for a radiant complexion. Compared to many other IPL devices, Lumecca has a shorter recovery time. This, coupled with its quick results, makes it an excellent fit for busy lifestyles.

What Are The Benefits Of IPL Therapy?

The results you can achieve with today's IPL treatments are truly impressive. IPL Therapy turns back the clock on signs of aging and skin damage for a smooth, even complexion. Dark spots such as birthmarks, sun damage, melasma, spider veins, and scarring are diminished or completely erased. The texture of the skin is also visibly revitalized, addressing concerns like fine lines and depressed scars such as those left by acne lesions. Boston IPL therapy patients are usually amazed by the results they see from this minimally invasive treatment.

IPL has several advantages that make it a good choice for a range of skin types and concerns:

Skin Rejuvenation

IPL therapy can effectively treat sun-damaged skin, age spots, and uneven pigmentation. It also improves skin texture for a more youthful appearance.

Reduction of Vascular Lesions

IPL therapy breaks down vascular lesions such as spider veins and broken capillaries by targeting the hemoglobin in the blood vessels.

Minimal Downtime

Treatments typically have minimal downtime, making them a convenient option for those with busy schedules. Most people can resume their daily activities immediately after the procedure.


IPL therapy can be customized to target specific skin concerns, making it a versatile option for a wide range of dermatological issues.

Long-Lasting Results

While multiple sessions may be required for optimal results, the effects of IPL can be long-lasting, especially with proper skincare maintenance.


IPL therapy is a non-invasive procedure, making it an easier option compared to surgical alternatives.

boston ipl therapy model in a swimsuit

Am I A Candidate For IPL Therapy?

IPL (Intense Pulse Light) therapy is a non-invasive means of revitalizing the skin, correcting common signs of aging such as:

  • Dark spots
  • Sun damage
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Imbalanced skin texture
  • Dull skin tone

... and more!

IPL Therapy has also been an effective treatment to address moderate to severe cases of rosacea. This innovative procedure can help restore your skin’s radiance for a healthier, youthful appeal.

Am I A Candidate For Ipl Therapy?

IPL therapy is highly versatile, addressing problems like sunspots, age spots, rosacea, freckles, redness, fine lines, and acne scars. IPL typically works best on fair to light brown skin tones due to the contrast between skin pigmentation and the targeted issue. If you have a darker skin tone, we may recommend a different approach. Your Boston IPL therapy specialist will analyze your skin type and learn about your medical history and any medications you are currently taking to ensure that IPL is the best choice for you.

IPL is non-invasive, making it a relatively easy treatment to fit into your lifestyle, but it may require multiple sessions to achieve the best results. It is important to minimize sun exposure before and after each treatment, as your skin will be more sensitive. We will spend time learning about your goals and analyzing your skin to ensure you are matched with the safest and most effective treatments for your individual needs.

Dr. Russo - Boston Plastic Surgeon

What areas can be revitalized Through IPL Therapy?

Many parts of the body can be treated through Limelight IPL Therapy including the:

  • Face: Dark spots, melasma, freckles, birthmarks, rosacea, redness, spider veins, fine lines, acne scars
  • Chest: Sun damage, photoaging, broken blood vessels, redness, skin laxity, and wrinkles
  • Hands: Liver spots/age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, laxity
  • Arms: Age spots, freckles, seborrheic keratoses
  • Back: Birthmarks, uneven skin tone, sun damage

How does IPL Therapy work to revitalize the skin?

During your IPL Therapy Boston Laser Technician, Lindsey, will guide the handpiece over the designated treatment area. Short pulses of light will be delivered from the device to the skin, gently heating the surface of your skin. The skin absorbs this heat to carefully break down hyperpigmentation and damaged cells, influencing the body’s natural process to renew the skin. To learn more about this exciting process, schedule your consultation with one of our master aestheticians at your earliest convenience.

How long does an IPL Therapy session take?

A single IPL Therapy treatment session usually takes around 30 minutes to complete. However, the duration of your treatment time may depend on what you would like to accomplish through this treatment option.

boston ipl therapy model smiling

How much downtime will I need to set aside?

Revitalization through IPL Therapy does not require any downtime for recovery. You may continue your regular activities as soon as you leave from your treatment!

boston ipl therapy model in a swimsuit

Why Russo?

Serving Boston since 1991, The Joseph A. Russo, MD Cosmetic Center is a trusted partner for all your aesthetic needs. Our providers are experienced and caring professionals motivated by a passion for helping people enjoy the benefits of today’s most innovative aesthetic treatments. We take time to learn about your unique goals and concerns to provide highly customized care. We love seeing our clients light up with new levels of confidence in their appearance. The level of professionalism and expertise we bring to every treatment ensures safe, beautiful results that exceed your expectations. Welcome to Russo—welcome to a revitalized you.

Schedule Your Boston, MA, IPL Therapy Consultation at Joseph A. Russo, MD Today

Don’t wait to feel your best! We are on hand to help you explore your options for ultimate skin rejuvenation with IPL. Offering both the Limelight and Lumecca platforms, we are equipped with the tools and the expertise to provide you with exceptional care tailored to your needs for amazingly revitalized skin. Call (617) 964-1440 or complete our online form to get started. We look forward to helping you achieve your most beautiful complexion.

IPL Therapy FAQs

IPL therapy, while generally safe, carries some risks and potential side effects. These may include temporary discomfort during the treatment, redness, swelling, and mild bruising afterward. In rare cases, there's a risk of blistering, scarring, changes in skin pigmentation (either darkening or lightening), or infection. Proper sun protection before and after treatment is crucial to minimize these risks. To reduce the chances of complications, our experienced practitioners will always assess your suitability for any treatments and provide comprehensive aftercare instructions and support.

Typically, the effects of IPL are long-lasting for issues like sunspots, age spots, and redness. Maintenance sessions may be scheduled to sustain the results. Practicing sun protection and a good skincare routine can help extend the benefits of IPL treatments. At your consultation, we can provide personalized insights into the expected duration of results for your specific case.

IPL therapy is generally effective for a range of skin types, particularly for individuals with fair to light brown skin tones. It may not be as suitable for very dark skin tones due to the risk of pigment changes. Your aesthetic specialist will determine the best approach and discuss alternative options if necessary to achieve safe and effective results tailored to your skin type.

After IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy, you should typically wait at least 24 hours before applying makeup to the treated area. Your skin may be slightly red or sensitive immediately after the procedure, and it's essential to allow your skin to heal and recover during this initial period. Using makeup too soon can potentially irritate the skin or introduce bacteria. Always follow the specific post-treatment instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure the best results and minimize the risk of complications.

The cost of IPL Therapy can vary depending on the areas treated and the number of IPL sessions needed. We invite you to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific goals and receive a cost estimate based on your customized treatment plan.

Schedule your consultation today

575 Boylston Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459

Your body is constantly changing. Gravity, age, and the elements are constantly pulling at you. But you are not alone in this fight. The doctors and aesthetic experts at Joseph A Russo, MD are also in constant motion, relentlessly innovating better ways to overcome the entropic effects of time and gravity.