Aging and other factors can cause breasts to droop. Breasts are a source of femininity and pride in many women, and the effects of time, gravity, genetics, pregnancy, and breastfeeding can change the shape and perk of breasts. These changes in what, for many women, is an important source of their feminine mystique can be a blow to confidence, but a breast lift can help correct the impact of sagging breasts. A breast lift in Boston is available for women seeking to regain their mystique and Boston breast lift surgeon Joseph A. Russo and his team can answer any concerns women may have about whether a breast lift is right for them.
The goal of a breast lift is to restore drooping breasts by tightening the regions supporting the breasts and removing excess, sagging skin. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure designed to recreate breasts that are shapely and youthful, giving them a youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Because the effects of time, pregnancy, gravity, and other factors often affect the nipple and the breast, your doctor will discuss with you whether it may be a good idea for you to reposition the nipple or remove dark skin around the nipple.
At Joseph A. Russo MD, near Boston breast lift is an option for any woman that has noticed changes in her breasts due to the factors mentioned above. Women with the following breast types would be great candidates.
A breast lift can correct the changes that can occur to breasts over time. As with any surgical procedure, a breast lift is more successful in women that are not overweight and obese, do not smoke, and are generally healthy.
The benefits of a breast lift are more than superficial. Because the breasts are an important part of the identity of many women, a mastopexy can lead to a dramatic improvement in confidence and a drastic change in how women experience life day-to-day, even down to how well your clothes fit after your breast lift. These are some benefits of a breast lift:
Because a breast lift is a surgical procedure, you should expect a recovery period that typically lasts about a month. You will experience bruising and swelling and will have to wear a special bra after your breast lift. Once the recovery period has passed, most women notice dramatic changes.
A breast lift in Boston can lead to a drastically improved appearance, offering women a new outlook on life. Joseph A. Russo and his team of Boston plastic surgeons want to help you make a change for the better, give us a call today to schedule an appointment.
575 Boylston Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Your body is constantly changing. Gravity, age, and the elements are constantly pulling at you. But you are not alone in this fight. The doctors and aesthetic experts at Joseph A Russo, MD are also in constant motion, relentlessly innovating better ways to overcome the entropic effects of time and gravity.
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