As you get older, you may begin to notice that your face has lost volume, which is often most noticeable around the cheek area. This can add several years to your perceived age and leave you looking older than you really feel.
Although many people simply accept this unwelcome development as an inevitable part of aging, others choose to restore volume to their cheeks and look more youthful. Cosmetic surgery is a very popular choice for enhancing the appearance of the face, but some wish to avoid surgical treatment methods. JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC offers patients volume restoration in the cheek area without surgery.
JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC is a minimally-invasive technique for restoring lost volume to the cheeks. It is the sole non-surgical method of immediately correcting age-related volume loss in the cheeks that is approved by the FDA.
The product consists of a gel containing a type of hyaluronic acid that effectively lifts the skin and restores age-related volume loss in the cheeks. JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC is injected into the cheek area for this purpose.
Although you may not be familiar with it, hyaluronic acid plays an important role in maintaining the volume of your skin. This is because it has the ability to hold moisture within your individual skin cells, adding volume and plumping them.
As you get older, your body produces less hyaluronic acid and your skin begins to lose moisture internally. Less volume is the result. Treatment with JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC allows you to restore this lost hyaluronic acid and the volume you once enjoyed in your cheeks.
How is JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC Different from Other Facial Fillers?
Unlike other dermal fillers, JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC was specifically formulated to fill the cheek area. It is made with special Vycross technology to create a very smooth gel that lets it be used to nicely sculpt the face. This same technology helps the gel last longer in your skin than other dermal fillers.
You can expect your results to last for as long as two years under ideal conditions. However, this will depend on things like your weight, age, health and individual body chemistry, among other factors.
Contact Our Office Today
Set up a time to visit the office of Joseph A. Russo, MD in Newton to learn more about JUVEDERM VOLUMA XC. We happily serve clients in the Boston and New England areas. In addition to non-surgical treatments, we offer a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures ranging from breast augmentation and liposuction to a facelift and eyelid surgery. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!
575 Boylston Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Your body is constantly changing. Gravity, age, and the elements are constantly pulling at you. But you are not alone in this fight. The doctors and aesthetic experts at Joseph A Russo, MD are also in constant motion, relentlessly innovating better ways to overcome the entropic effects of time and gravity.
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