Whether you’ve lost weight or are simply a victim of typical aging, your upper arms now have loose, flabby skin. To remedy the situation, you might want to consider having an Brachioplasty, or “arm lift,” to remove the fat and reshape your upper arm.
Time and fluctuations in weight cause the problem. In the past there was nothing that could be done about flabby arms, as no amount of exercising or reduction in weight could make them firm again. Today, a brachioplasty surgically removes the excess fat and skin.
Arm lifts can usually be performed in a special surgical suite in the doctor’s office. You will be given either general anesthesia or a local blocking agent.
After the procedure, the surgical sites will be wrapped with elastic bandages and in some instances surgical drains may be left in place to prevent excessive swelling or accumulation of fluids. Following the surgery and for some time after you will have some swelling and bruising. You may also have pain, but medication will make it tolerable.
Once your healing is complete, your arms will have regained a contour that will please you. The results of the operation are usually permanent as long as there are no great weight gains/losses.
Call us for a consultation to see if you are a candidate for an arm lift.
575 Boylston Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459
Your body is constantly changing. Gravity, age, and the elements are constantly pulling at you. But you are not alone in this fight. The doctors and aesthetic experts at Joseph A Russo, MD are also in constant motion, relentlessly innovating better ways to overcome the entropic effects of time and gravity.
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