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Dr. Joseph A. Russo - Boston Plastic Surgeon

Who Qualifies for Eyelid Surgery? Joseph A Russo, MD

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Who Qualifies for Eyelid Surgery? | Blog | Russo

Who qualifies for cosmetic surgery is a tricky subject, as it often comes down to personal choice and preference. We offer impartial advice with the best interests of our patients in mind, because although you may qualify for plastic surgery, you don’t necessarily need plastic surgery.

For Eyelid Surgery, whom would we consider suitable candidates for the procedure?

Basically, adults of any age are suitable for eyelid surgery. Usually, it is the domain of middle-aged people, but we also have clients as young as 20 who seek to correct or prevent inherited issues with their eyelids.

The most common reason for eyelid surgery include:

  • Too much skin on the upper eyelid interfering with its natural appearance
  • Any eyelid abnormality causing interference with vision or irritation
  • Eyes that look constantly tired due to swelling or shape abnormalities of the eyelid
  • Signs of aging under the eye, from fine lines to dark circles to crow’s feet

Sometimes, temporary health circumstances create some of the issues listed above, but don’t require surgery, as they will resolve themselves. That’s why we require a thorough, impartial consultation before any decisions are made about our surgical procedures.

If you have interest in blepharoplasty, give us a call and let’s schedule an initial consultation to explore your options.

Schedule your consultation today

575 Boylston Street, Newton Centre, MA 02459

Your body is constantly changing. Gravity, age, and the elements are constantly pulling at you. But you are not alone in this fight. The doctors and aesthetic experts at Joseph A Russo, MD are also in constant motion, relentlessly innovating better ways to overcome the entropic effects of time and gravity.

A $200 consultation fee is required to book your appointment with Dr. Russo. If you decide to move forward with scheduling your procedure within 1 week of your consultation, we'll apply your consultation fee toward your procedure!